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Go-gorm: JOINS make life easier!

I have been using go-lang and gorm to build web apps for a while. Though gorm provids very good documentation, I think it lacks some real-time examples. Here is what I have learned how to use gorm for advanced queries. Most importantly to get data from multiple tables that are not directly related.

Let me try explaining the concepts with three use cases.

Consider following models

type Launguage struct {
	ID uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
	Name string
type Movie struct {
	ID uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
	Title string
	LaunguageID uint
	Launguage Launguage

type Artist struct {
	ID uint `gorm:"primary_key"`
	Name string
	Movies []Movie `gorm:"many2many:artist_movies"`

The models are simple. Movie have foreign key to Launguage and Artist have many-to-many relationship with Movie with artist_movies as intermediate table. Important thing to note here is Artist have no direct relationship with Language model. Lets populate the db with some data(Im using postgres here, though you can you any database)

After populating above modes in db, the tables look like below

gorm=# select * from languages;
 id |  name   
  2 | tamil
  3 | hindi
  1 | english
(3 rows)

gorm=# select * from movies;
 id |    title    | language_id 
  1 | Nayagan     |           2
  2 | Anbe sivam  |           2
  3 | 3 idiots    |           3
  4 | Shamithab   |           3
  5 | Dark Knight |           1
  6 | 310 to Yuma |           1
(6 rows)

gorm=# select * from artists;
 id |       name       
  1 | Madhavan
  2 | Kamal Hassan
  3 | Dhanush
  4 | Aamir Khan
  5 | Amitabh Bachchan
  6 | Christian Bale
  7 | Russell Crowe
(7 rows)

gorm=# select * from artist_movies ;
 artist_id | movie_id 
         1 |        2
         1 |        3
         2 |        1
         2 |        2
         3 |        4
         4 |        3
         5 |        4
         6 |        5
         6 |        6
         7 |        6
(10 rows)

Now, the time for actual query. How would you make the following queries

  1. Get the list of all artist who acted in “english” movies

  2. Get the list the artists for movie “Nayagan”

  3. Get the list of artists for movies “3 idiots”, “Shamitab” and “310 to Yuma”

Get list of all artist who acted in “english” movies:

var artists []Artist
if err = db.Joins("JOIN artist_movies on artist_movies.artist_id=artists.id").
	Joins("JOIN movies on movies.id=artist_movies.movie_id").
	Joins("JOIN languages on movies.language_id=languages.id").
	Where("languages.name=?", "english").
	Group("artists.id").Preload("Movies").Find(&artists).Error; err != nil {
for _, ar := range artists {

/* output
Kamal Hassan

Get the list of all artists who acted in movie “Nayagan”

var artists []Artist
if err = db.Joins("JOIN artist_movies on artist_movies.artist_id=artists.id").
	Joins("JOIN movies on artist_movies.movie_id=movies.id").Where("movies.title=?", "Nayagan").
	Group("artists.id").Find(&artists).Error; err != nil {

for _, ar := range artists {

/* output
Kamal Hassan

Get the list of artists who acted in any of the movies “3 idiots”, “Shamitab” and “310 to Yuma”

var artists []Artist

if err = db.Joins("JOIN artist_movies on artist_movies.artist_id=artists.id").
	Joins("JOIN movies on artist_movies.movie_id=movies.id").
	Where("movies.title in (?)", []string{"3 idiots", "Shamitabh", "310 to Yuma"}).
	Group("artists.id").Find(&artists).Error; err != nil {

for _, ar := range artists {

/* output
Aamir Khan
Christian Bale
Russell Crowe

Without Joins, the above queries using gorm would involve lots of where clause and loops. But using Joins its just one simple database query.

Here is the link to complete program used in this article.

See you with more real-time examples for more advanced queries using gorm next time. Happy hacking.. !!

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